
Hauptstarße 30 - 31
10827 Berlin


+49 30 784 19 00


Responsible in case of German Telemediengesetzes §5


Hauptstraße 30 - 31
10827 Berlin, Germany


  1. For the moment we don't use Cookies or saving privacy data by surfing our website.
  2. Privacy data will be saved only for users which having still a login account for OMM or DiCarlo Productions.
  3. If this users gonna get quit there own account all data will be delete permanently from this website.
  4. Business as usual purchase data will be still documented in case of German Financial law requements outside this website.
  5. If you located a mistake please let us know about. This is not an intended use and in case of this there is no claim of compensation out of this mistake.




Copyright of this website by DiCarlo Productions and Dirk Ertl (



Photos and Videos

Photos and videos are made by my self and copyright by my own.